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BNN Broadcast Page
OOTP provides two styles of pages for your play-by-play experience, the BNN Broadcast page and the BNN Webcast page. You can use either page, or switch between the two while playing. We've already covered the actual Game Controls on a separate page, so be sure you're familiar with those when you're ready to start playing! This page will introduce you to the BNN Broadcast page, the first page you will see when you enter a game:

The BNN Broadcast page has graphical representations of a scoreboard and the actual game stadium, as well as the controls you will need to play out the game. Let's walk through the different sections on this page, starting in the top left:

The team highlighted in yellow is currently at bat.

The player currently at bat is highlighted in yellow.

The Pitching pane also includes a Status value at the bottom, including the number of pitches he has thrown, which will let you know how tired your pitcher is. This value doesn't update automatically! You may need to use the 'visit the mound' option to get a better idea of how your pitcher is faring.

The Field Header can be disabled from the Options page to show more of the Stadium.

Each player in the field is shown at his actual position, along with his defensive rating at the position and his arm rating. Runners on base are shown with their key baserunning ratings, and the Contact and Power ratings are shown for batters, who will appear on the appropriate side of the plate based on their handedness.
By default, player photos are shown for each player on the field. However, you can disable player photos from the Options page. Remember, you can also modify ballparks and their graphics if you so desire.
Note: Dragging players on the field does not actually impact defensive positioning or the outcome of the play. It is strictly for visual appeal.

The BNN Broadcast page has graphical representations of a scoreboard and the actual game stadium, as well as the controls you will need to play out the game. Let's walk through the different sections on this page, starting in the top left:
The Scoreboard in the top left keeps track of the progress of the current game:
The team highlighted in yellow is currently at bat.
Batting Team's Lineup
The next section down displays the lineup for the team who is currently at bat, along with their statistics so far this season:
The player currently at bat is highlighted in yellow.
Pitcher Pane
The Pitcher pane in the middle left of the page gives statistics on the player currently pitching. It also includes a number of player ratings:
The Pitching pane also includes a Status value at the bottom, including the number of pitches he has thrown, which will let you know how tired your pitcher is. This value doesn't update automatically! You may need to use the 'visit the mound' option to get a better idea of how your pitcher is faring.
Current Batter Pane
The Current Batter pane in the lower left of the page gives statistics on the player currently at bat. It also includes a number of player ratings:
Field Header
The Field Header across the top of the stadium display shows the logos and current records of the two teams playing the game.
The Field Header can be disabled from the Options page to show more of the Stadium.
The Stadium representation displays the entire ballpark, as well as the players on the field:
Each player in the field is shown at his actual position, along with his defensive rating at the position and his arm rating. Runners on base are shown with their key baserunning ratings, and the Contact and Power ratings are shown for batters, who will appear on the appropriate side of the plate based on their handedness.
By default, player photos are shown for each player on the field. However, you can disable player photos from the Options page. Remember, you can also modify ballparks and their graphics if you so desire.
Drag and Drop Players
If you are unhappy with the way the players on the field are aligned, you can simply drag them where you like. This includes baserunners. To drag a player, click on the player's name and drag the player to the desired location.Note: Dragging players on the field does not actually impact defensive positioning or the outcome of the play. It is strictly for visual appeal.